How-to Videos
What are Objectives
Setting Performance Objectives
What are Personal Development Objectives
Setting Personal Development Objectives
Managing Your Objectives
Adding Collaborators to Objectives (Optional Feature)
Feedback Overview
Giving Effective Feedback
Feedback Circles (Optional Feature)
Feedback - Draft with AI FAQ's
Feedback - Draft your Feedback with AI
Give Feedback from Microsoft Teams
Making the most of Check Ins
Preparing for a Check-in
Microsoft Outlook Integration - Employee Configuration
Talent Snapshots
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Your Team - Key features and functions
Your Team - Performance Summary
Your Team - Private Notes
Your Team - Talent Snapshots
Your Team - Wider Team (for Senior Managers)
Workflows for Multiple Managers
System Administrators
Admin How-to Videos
Training and Communication Materials
Importance of Communications Plan and Knowing your Audience
Clear Review Training Materials
Clear Review Sample Launch Email Template
Tips for Building Engagement
Using Clear Review on a Mobile Device
Communicating the Benefits of Continuous Performance Management
Performance Focus and Success Measures
Admin guidance for using My Feedback Link
Clear Review Using 'Draft with AI' Email Template
Admin System Configuration Options
People Management
People Management
Creating Admin Roles / Assigning Access
Importing Employee Data
Multiple Managers Configuration
How to Set Up Delegate Access
Organisational Goals
Objective Settings
Performance Objective Options
Personal Development Objective Options
Collaborative Objectives
Configuring the Objectives Library
Feedback Settings
Building a Feedback Culture
Feedback Settings
Feedback Circles for Admins (Additional Module)
Draft with AI for Admins
Conversation Settings
Enabling Multiple Conversation Types
Conversations - Reminders and Discussion Prompts
Default Conversation Prompts
Supplemental Discussion Prompts
Talent Snapshots
Talent Snapshots Guide and Sample Qs
Creating Effective Talent Snapshot Questions
Define what talent means in your organisation
How to add or remove participant in Talent snapshots
How to add new round in Talent snapshot
How to create and edit a new Template for Talent snapshots
Navigation Options
Report Visibility Options
Languages and System Terminology Settings
System Notifications
Integration Settings
Integrations (HRIS Data Feed / Single Sign on)
Microsoft One Drive Integration - Admin Configuration
Microsoft Teams Integration - Admin Configuration
Microsoft Outlook Integration - Admin Configuration
Analytics (Additional Module)
Analytics Overview (Additional Module)
Data Analytics API - How to Generate my API Key
Migration from Analytics API to Performance and Talent Reporting API
Analytics API End of Life Notification
Engagement (Additional Module)
Admin Reporting Overview
Raising a Support Ticket
Performance & Talent Implementation
Events and FAQ's
User Experience / User Interface Release
Why Performance Management
Table of contents
- All categories
- Employees
- Objectives
- Managing Your Objectives
Managing Your Objectives
by Customer Success
Adding Objectives
- Both the individual and their approver are able to add Objectives.
- Click the "+Add Objective" button and select either a Performance Objective or Development Objective. If you select Performance Objective, you may need to select which Organisational Goal the Objective will support.
- The "Add Objective" screen will open. Complete all the fields and click "Save".
- If your company requires an approval process, the new Objective will appear in the "Not yet approved" section of the Objectives screen and will need to be approved by the individual's approver (see "Sending Proposed Objectives for Approval" later in this guide).
- If you are adding multiple Objectives, you can add them all first by saving as a draft and then send all for approval when ready.
Approving Proposed Objectives as an Approver
- When an individual has sent the approver one or more proposed Objectives for approval, or if the approver has added a proposed Objective themselves, the approver will see an "Approve" button on the "Not yet approved" panel.
- Clicking the "Approve" button will set the Objective as approved and send an email to the individual to notify them.
- Note that approvers are able to make changes to proposed Objectives or delete them prior to approving them. This can be done by clicking the "Edit" button or bin icon for that Objective. The approver should always speak to the individual when they edit or delete a proposed Objective to let them know what they have changed and why.
Making Changes to Approved Objectives
- To make a change to an approved Objective, click into the body of the Objective, then click the pencil icon.
- A message will appear alerting you that you are creating an updated version of the existing objective, and a new window will open. Make your changes and click "Save".
- This will create a proposed new version of the Objective in the "Not yet approved" section of the Objectives screen which will then need to be sent for approval (if required).
- If you are making changes to multiple Objectives, make all of your changes first. Then, send all for approval.
- Once your proposed changes have been approved, the Objectives will be updated and ready to use.
Updating your Progress
- So that you and your Manager can keep track of your progress and achievements, it is important to keep the "status" of your Objectives up to date and add updates as you go along.
- The "progress status' for each Objective is below the Due date. It defaults to "Not Started". To change it, click on it and select the appropriate status. The status will be saved automatically.
- To add an update to an Objective, first expand it by clicking on the Objective description. Then type your update in the "Add comment" box and click the "Add" button.
- The comment will then be added along with your name and date and time of the update.
- Note that your approver can also change the progress status of your Objectives and add updates.