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Organisational Goals

Customer Success Updated by Customer Success

What are organisational goals?
  • To learn more about organisational goals and how you might use them, read this guide.
Once ready, here's how it works
  • Whenever Employees set a Performance Objective, they are asked to align their objective to one of the overall Organisational Goals. You can turn off the organisation goals functionality by setting the "Use organisational goals" switch to "No".
  • To maintain your organisational goals within Clear Review, click the "Change" button. This will open up the "Organisational Goals" screen.
  • On the "Organisational Goals" screen, enter your Organisational Goals in the box in the order you want them to show to users, with a blank line between each goal.
  • If you want an Organisational Goal to only be visible to Employees in a specific organisation unit, type and select that organisation unit in the "Specify Org Unit" box next to the goal on the bottom half of the screen. Otherwise, leave this box blank.
  • Click "Save" to save changes to your Organisational Goals.
  • The goals you have entered will then be displayed to employees each time they choose a Goal for a Performance Objective.
Changing or updating organisational goals:
  • When you change an existing Organisational Goal, it will not retrospectively update any Performance Objectives that have previously been linked to that goal. The updated Organisational Goal will only show for new Performance Objectives set from that point onwards.

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