Data Analytics API - How to Generate my API Key

Customer Success Updated by Customer Success

Generating an API Key

The API key is a direct link to all of your Clear Review data and should be treated with care. There can only be one active API key per organisation, so it is important to coordinate with any internal colleagues that may need access to this information.

The API Key can be generated within the Clear Review by a full system administrator. The steps are as follows:

  1. Navigate to the Admin > Analytics section of the app and select Configure API Keys
  1. Click the Create API Key Button in the Top Right Corner of the API Key Configuration Screen
  1. You will be prompted to give the API key a name, then click 'create'
  1. This will give you your API Key. The text will be protected - select the 'eye' icon to make it visible. Make sure to select 'copy'. From here, you will want to save for future use as for security reasons, you will not be able to see it again after this initial screen.
  1. Once created, you can use the key via dashboarding tools such as Excel, Power BI or Tableau to extract your data. If you need to create a new key at any point, navigate back to this screen. From here you can 'delete' the current key and create a new one.

**Please note any existing data extracts / dashboards will need to be updated with the new key once created in order to continue working.

  1. See our other guides around how to extract the data and visit our Swagger Hub for more technical details:

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