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Your Team - Key features and functions

Customer Success Updated by Customer Success

The Your Team area provides managers with a place to view all of the performance related information for their direct reports.

Click here to see a video walkthrough of the Your Team area.

Dashboard and Reports: The top-level dashboard will give you quick stats around how many of your direct reports have current objectives or are in need of feedback or a check-in conversation. You can also view a detailed report for all of your direct reports by using the download arrow highlighted above.

Quick Access: You can access the details for each direct reports Objectives, Feedback, Conversations or Actions by clicking into the related area. Flag indicators will appear to let you know who needs attention and in what area. For example, Barry has several Objectives that are overdue. If they were in need of approval, a related flag would also appear here. You can also make private notes or run a performance summary for your direct report(s).

Talent Snapshots: If you have been asked to complete a Talent Snapshot for a direct report, the tab to access Talent Snapshots can be seen above. See this article for more information on answering a Talent Snapshot round for your direct report(s).

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Your Team - Performance Summary
