Table of contents

People Management

Customer Success Updated by Customer Success

Find and Manage Employees

This area helps you find, impersonate, add and edit people (users) details within Clear Review.

Bulk Send New User Invitations

This section enables you to send an invitation to use Clear Review to all users who have not previously been sent one. If you are using Single Sign on (SSO) system invitations are not sent and this will not be visible to you.

This option should be used if you have imported new user details via CSV and chose not to immediately send out the new user invitations at the time of import.

If you have recently performed a CSV import, do not use this option until you have received the confirmation email from the import process.

Configure admin roles

This section helps you create and define the access rights that admin users have within the system. See our supporting article on how to do this.

Allowing for Manager Changes

Some organisations have staff who change Managers regularly (e.g. in matrix or project based organisations).

If HR does not hold the data of who everyone's current Manager is, or wants to provide the flexibility for whatever reason for users to be able to change this, you can switch this option to "Yes". Users will then see a "Sharing settings" item on their user menu which will enable them to change their Manager(s) in the system.

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Creating Admin Roles / Assigning Access
