How-to Videos
What are Objectives
Setting Performance Objectives
What are Personal Development Objectives
Setting Personal Development Objectives
Managing Your Objectives
Adding Collaborators to Objectives (Optional Feature)
Feedback Overview
Giving Effective Feedback
Feedback Circles (Optional Feature)
Feedback - Draft with AI FAQ's
Feedback - Draft your Feedback with AI
Give Feedback from Microsoft Teams
Making the most of Check Ins
Preparing for a Check-in
Microsoft Outlook Integration - Employee Configuration
Talent Snapshots
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Your Team - Key features and functions
Your Team - Performance Summary
Your Team - Private Notes
Your Team - Talent Snapshots
Your Team - Wider Team (for Senior Managers)
Workflows for Multiple Managers
System Administrators
Admin How-to Videos
Training and Communication Materials
Importance of Communications Plan and Knowing your Audience
Clear Review Training Materials
Clear Review Sample Launch Email Template
Tips for Building Engagement
Using Clear Review on a Mobile Device
Communicating the Benefits of Continuous Performance Management
Performance Focus and Success Measures
Admin guidance for using My Feedback Link
Clear Review Using 'Draft with AI' Email Template
Admin System Configuration Options
People Management
People Management
Creating Admin Roles / Assigning Access
Importing Employee Data
Multiple Managers Configuration
How to Set Up Delegate Access
Organisational Goals
Objective Settings
Performance Objective Options
Personal Development Objective Options
Collaborative Objectives
Configuring the Objectives Library
Feedback Settings
Building a Feedback Culture
Feedback Settings
Feedback Circles for Admins (Additional Module)
Draft with AI for Admins
Conversation Settings
Enabling Multiple Conversation Types
Conversations - Reminders and Discussion Prompts
Default Conversation Prompts
Supplemental Discussion Prompts
Talent Snapshots
Talent Snapshots Guide and Sample Qs
Creating Effective Talent Snapshot Questions
Define what talent means in your organisation
How to add or remove participant in Talent snapshots
How to add new round in Talent snapshot
How to create and edit a new Template for Talent snapshots
Navigation Options
Report Visibility Options
Languages and System Terminology Settings
System Notifications
Integration Settings
Integrations (HRIS Data Feed / Single Sign on)
Microsoft One Drive Integration - Admin Configuration
Microsoft Teams Integration - Admin Configuration
Microsoft Outlook Integration - Admin Configuration
Analytics (Additional Module)
Analytics Overview (Additional Module)
Data Analytics API - How to Generate my API Key
Migration from Analytics API to Performance and Talent Reporting API
Analytics API End of Life Notification
Engagement (Additional Module)
Admin Reporting Overview
Raising a Support Ticket
Performance & Talent Implementation
User Experience / User Interface Release
Why Performance Management
- All categories
- System Administrators
- Training and Communication Materials
- Tips for Building Engagement
Tips for Building Engagement
Updated by Customer Success
Most of us have some remote element to our workforce in this day and age. Often times this requires clever use of technology and harnessing the power of multiple communication channels to ensure your team focus on their performance and feel connected.
With extensive insight from our client base, here are our top tips to capture your remote team's attention:
1. Have a Communication Plan: Have a clear communication plan including regular emails, webinars or videos focusing on key pointers. Perhaps take a creative approach by asking users to provide soundbites on their personal experience of using the system.
2. Get Connected: As part of your launch and beyond, bring people together or utilise video or conference call facilities to have a monthly or quarterly Clear Review meeting. Virtual coffees, morning or lunch type drop in sessions or office hours can work well for this. If you can't be in person, a video conference allows everyone to interact across different locations and take time out to think about how they can perform better together.
3. Get them talking from the Top!: Showcase senior management buy in by creating a brief video that includes soundbites from the leadership team talking about why the company has moved to a continuous performance approach and their commitment to work actively on embedding this as part of the company culture. Ensure senior managers regularly request feedback across the organisation to encourage the wider team to do the same.
4. Make it Easy: Ensure ease of access to the system and useful documentation for users such as our great user videos and of course any other great internal tools on a company intranet site. Enhance this by making this available on the system for example as an external link on the help pages so the system becomes a port of call for their performance.
5. Accessibility on the Go: Make sure your team are aware the system is fully flexible and therefore accessible on the go via smart phones, laptops and tablets.
6. Harness your Power Group: Consider creating a power group of users across all levels and departments to act as voices for the team on their feedback on what is working and opportunities to enable an agile approach to how people can get the best value from the system.
7. Encourage Feedback: Make a user profile in the system solely for getting feedback on Clear Review. Communicate to users they can 'Give' feedback via the functionality on their personal experience. Ensure this feedback is monitored accordingly via your internal admin team.
8. Be Social: Use any social sites such as Microsoft Teams, Slack, Linked In, WhatsApp or Workplace for Facebook to create an interactive channel for your team to share on their experience of working remotely and connect.
9. Encourage Competition: Consider setting an internal goal such as 1,000 feedback comments by the end of the year with an element of giving back to charity if achieved or a celebration!
Useful Resources
Communication Plan Template - To embed any change at work successfully, you need to communicate the key messages a number of times, our template helps you think about how to do this. You may access this here.
Customer Success Toolkit - This website / toolkit contains a number of downloadable videos and editable training tools you may use as part of your internal training and communication. You may access this here.