Multiple Languages and Terminology

Customer Success Updated by Customer Success

Multiple Languages and Terminology

Clear Review can be fully customised in terms of the terminology used.

As an Administrator, you have the ability to review and reconfigure all of the standard customisation terminology. This is particularly useful if you have re-termed parts of the system such as 'Feedback' to 'Perspectives'. Or perhaps you have some language specific terminology you want to add / amend. Once you've made the required changes (if any), scroll to the bottom of the page and click 'Save Changes' as you would usually.

Clear Review can also be configured to work with multiple languages. Our Languages Add-On currently includes French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Danish, Chinese, Vietnamese... as well as many others!

How do I get access to additional languages within Clear Review? If you have not had the Language Add On included within your contract for using Clear Review (or if you're unsure!) please do reach out to your Customer Success Manager to discuss this further with you.

Click here to read more in our Language and Terminology Guide

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