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How to Set Up Delegate Access

Customer Success Updated by Customer Success

This document walks you through how to set up delegate access in Clear Review. This is often requested for executive or personal assistants to help manage the administrative aspects. In the below example, we will show you how to set up an executive assistant so that they will be able to impersonate the executive.

Assign an Org Unit

Firstly, the executive concerned needs to be assigned an org unit which is only assigned to the executive (and no other people) - for example called 'Director's Team' - as in the screenshot below: [remember to include semicolon to separate it from other org units]

Configure admin role

Then, you need to create a new admin role by going to Admin -> Configure admin roles, and add a new role (perhaps using same name e.g. 'Director's Team'), with only the permission to impersonate, as shown in the steps below, and adding 'Director's Team' org unit at the bottom, as per screenshots below:

Assign the admin role

Finally, the executive assistant who needs the impersonation ability is given administration rights and assigned to the admin role (‘Director’s Team) created in the previous steps, by finding the executive assistant (going to Admin -> Find & manage employees), and using the pencil button next to their name to edit their record as shown below, then click “Save” to commit the changes:

The executive assistant will now be able to impersonate the executive and so help the executive manage their Clear Review account.

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