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Default Conversation Prompts

Customer Success Updated by Customer Success

Please see below a summary of the suggested conversation prompts for discussion available on the system:

Check In (Default System Conversation) 

Description: A performance and development conversation which should take place regularly 

  •  Actions from last check-in. Have agreed actions been completed? If not, what can be done to ensure they are completed in the next week? 
  • Performance Objectives and Personal Development Objectives. What progress has been made? Are there obstacles that could prevent them from being achieved on time? How might these obstacles be overcome? Are all the objectives still relevant? Do they need to be changed? 
  • Feedback. What things have been done particularly well? What could be done better next time or learned from? What feedback has been given by colleagues or external contacts recently? 
  • Using strengths. Has the individual been able to do what they do best in their role recently? How can they better utilise their strengths on a day-to-day basis? 
  • Priorities. What are the priorities for the next few weeks, both for the individual and the team? Have organisational priorities changed recently? 
  • Issues or concerns. Does either party have any issues or concerns to discuss? What are the potential options for addressing them? What specific actions are going to be taken? 
  • Help and support. What help or support is needed from the manager over the next couple of weeks?  
Onboarding Conversation

Description: A kick-off conversation normally held 2-4 weeks after starting a new role

Prompts for discussion:

  •  Progress and learnings so far. How are you settling into the new role? What have you observed or learned which has been particularly interesting or helpful? Have there been any surprises during your first few weeks? Is there anything getting in the way of you being able to do your role effectively?
  • Strengths. What are your strengths? What do you enjoy spending time doing? What work gives you energy? Describe a recent project or piece of work you've done which you really enjoyed and why.
  • Aspirations. How would you like to develop your role / career? What are your personal development aims in the short and medium term? Set a Personal Development Objective.
  • Objectives. Discuss and agree your initial Objectives. What support do you need from me? What might impede your progress?
  • Feedback. Have you received any feedback yet? If not, request some from some a couple of colleagues.
  • Next steps. Capture any agreed action points. Setup a recurring Check-in meeting. Give feedback to someone who has helped you in your first few weeks.
End of Probation

Description: Use at the end of probationary period to review progress and agree where to focus next

 Prompts for discussion:

  • Reflections. What have been the highlights of your time so far? What are you really enjoying about your role? Are you getting what you need from me? Is the environment supporting your needs?
  • Challenges. Are there any frustrations or challenges stopping you from making the progress you want to? What can we do to remove them?
  • Feedback. Review recently received feedback. What strengths does it highlight? Has it raised any particular areas for development?
  • Using strengths. Do you feel you are using your strengths enough in your role? What strengths do you feel are making the biggest difference to the team?
  • Aspirations. How would you like to further develop your role or skills? Agree one or two Personal Development Objectives to focus on in the coming months.
  • Priorities & Objectives. What are the priorities over the next period? What can you realistically deliver? Agree some specific Objectives and consider what support you will need.
Career Conversation

Description: Use when the individual or manager wishes to discuss career progression

Prompts for discussion:

  •  Career progress. How are things going in your role at the moment? Are you pleased with what you're achieving and the progress you're making?
  • Aspirations. What are you hoping for next? In what way would you like your role to evolve? Are there any areas you have yet to work in that you'd like to explore?
  • Using strengths. What do you believe are your strongest strengths? How could you better utilise these in the future?
  • Leadership. Are you getting the support or sponsorship that you need? Are there any relationships in the organisation that you have particularly benefited from or think are particularly strong? Are there any relationships that you think need more work?
  • Feedback. What feedback have you had that you've been particularly pleased with? Has any feedback pointed to specific development areas?
  • Personal development. What are you doing to develop personally and professionally? What else would you like to concentrate on?
  • Next steps. Agree what you need to work on over the forthcoming period to achieve your aspirations. Set one or two specific Personal Development Objectives and consider what support you will need to achieve them.
Wellbeing Conversation

Description: Use when an individual may be struggling with work, home, or feelings at work.

Prompts for discussion:

  • Reflections. How are you doing? Are any exciting things happening outside of work at the moment? Are there any difficulties?
  • Team. How are things going in the team? Is there anyone you have a particularly good relationship with? Are there any more challenging relationships that you're trying to work on?
  • Workload. How manageable is your workload? Are you clear about what the priorities are and are you able to focus on them? Are you maintaining a healthy balance between your home and work life?
  • Support. Are you getting the right level of help and support? What support or direction would make a positive difference to you?
  • Next steps. What actions can you take to improve the way you are currently feeling / working? How can I or others in the organisation support you to achieve your actions?
Re-alignment Conversation

Description: A conversation to get things back on track where there are performance concerns.

Prompts for discussion:

  • Reflections. How do you feel you are you getting on generally? How have you been finding things lately?
  • Work & Workload. How do you think [the specific area of work where there is a problem] is going? What are you finding most challenging? How have you tried to handle that? How has your workload felt recently?
  • Feedback. Linking to what's already been discussed, give your perspective on how the individual has been doing with specific examples. Recognising their strengths and what is also going well, explain what you would like to see from them over the coming weeks.
  • Review. What support do you need to get you there? Is there anything about the team or environment which may get in the way of you achieving that? Provide the opportunity for the individual to comment on your thoughts and then confirm your expectations.
  • Objectives. Agree some specific Performance and / or Personal Development Objectives that will enable the individual to deliver what is expected.
  • Next steps. Agree when you will next meet to review progress against these Objectives.

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