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Giving Effective Feedback

Customer Success Updated by Customer Success

Giving Effective Feedback

We all need to receive Feedback regularly at work, ideally every two weeks, to help us to keep motivated and to perform at our best. To make this happen, we all need to make an effort to give our colleagues Feedback on a regular basis, and also to request Feedback from others.

General tips:
  • We should aim to give 3 times more positive Feedback than constructive Feedback.
  • When giving positive Feedback, include how the person's Actions helped you and say thank you if appropriate.
  • When giving constructive Feedback, ensure the Feedback is fair and accurate, and avoid judgmental comments. Any Feedback that might be particularly sensitive for an individual is best given face-to-face rather than online.
  • Feedback is most effective when it is given as soon as possible after the event.
  • Try to make the Feedback as specific as possible.

Watch this short video that provides some helpful advice on how to give and receive Feedback.

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Feedback Overview

Feedback Circles (Optional Feature)
