System Reporting

Customer Success Updated by Customer Success

System Reporting

Full Admins or users that have been assigned reporting rights via a custom admin role will be able to access the overview dashboard and a suite of system reports in CSV format. Senior managers with access to the wider team area may also have some reporting access - to learn more see this article.

In general, system reports will pull back information on all active or enabled users. Most will ask you to enter a date range and will return related results for what activity falls within that time period.

  1. To run a report, click the "Download" button next to the report that you wish to run. Where prompted, select a date range for the report.
  2. The report will be compiled and can be download onto your computer as an Excel document. You will also receive an email notification when your report is ready to view.

Here is a summary of what to expect from the available reports:

  • Objectives by person: shows counts of Performance and Personal Development Objectives each employee has for the selected period. It counts both approved and non-approved Objectives.
  • Objectives by person (detailed): shows counts of Performance and Personal Development Objectives each employee has for the selected period and in what status (Complete, Incomplete, Withdrawn) and on what tab (My Objectives / Current or History).
  • Performance Objectives: compiles all Performance Objective details such as the wording and supporting key results, along with which org goal it is aligned to (if applicable), approval status, start and end dates, progress status (on track, completed) and if the objective library was used.
  • Personal Development Objectives: compiles all Personal Development Objectives for the selected period, shows objective content, approval status, start and end dates, progress status (on track, completed) and categorised by Proposed Learning Activity and Area of Development.
  • Conversations by person: shows counts of total Conversations each employee has had during the selected period. Core Check-ins are broken out so you can distinguish between those and one off meetings such as an Onboarding or Wellbeing conversation. It also counts the associated notes and actions that have been logged along with showing the data of the last Conversation.
  • Conversation Comments and Actions: shows all Conversation details such as type (Check-in, Onboarding, etc.), counts and content around comments and actions and meeting dates.
  • Feedback by person: shows counts of how much feedback each employee has given and received within the selected period.
  • Feedback comments: compiles all feedback comments received by employees for the selected period along with details such as positive or constructive, what value it's aligned to and who provided it or if it was anonymous.
  • Feedback Requests: shows all user feedback request details along with status (Requested, Responded, Ignored)
  • User Login Report: pulls all active user demographic details for your instance, including last login date, employee demographic data such as job title, manager(s) and assigned org units
  • Talent Snapshot Completion by Manager: Indicates when a manager has finalised all of their Talent Snapshots and 'marked as complete' for all of their direct reports
  • Talent Snapshot Responses: compiles answers in real time from the selected talent snapshot Round, regardless of completion status.
  • Suggestion Box Report (Add'l Module): this is a summary of all suggestions employees have submitted to the 'Suggestion Box' as part of the Clear Review Engagement module

Note: Inactive employees are excluded from the reports.

Clear Review also offers a supplemental add-on Analytics module which consists of some in app analytics and access to an API to extract your data into a dashboarding tool. Note this is an additional offering not included with all packages.

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Reports Dashboard
