Raising a Support Ticket

Customer Success Updated by Customer Success

Having an issue and need to connect with our technical support team?

If you are a trained Administrator on Clear Review, then you should have access to raise and then monitor the status of your support ticket with us by visiting https://services.oneadvanced.com/.

Once signed in using your email address and password, you can click on "Cases" at the top of the screen to access your Cases page, and then use the blue "Raise a Case" button to get help with Clear Review.

Tip: While raising a new case, when you reach the screen where you need to enter the "Contact", please start typing your name in this area, and your full name should then appear and you can then select this.

If you need further assistance or are not yet set up to raise a ticket, contact the Customer Success Team at cr.clarissa@oneadvanced.com.

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