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Workflows for Multiple Managers

Customer Success Updated by Customer Success

When an employee has more than one manager assigned, the following workflows will apply:

Objective Approval

Where an employee has more than one manager (approver), when they send an Objective for approval, the system will ask them which manager to send this to:

The selected manager will then receive the usual email notification flagging that an objective has been sent for their approval. Any additional managers will not receive the notification email. Note that all the employees' managers will see the 'Approve' notification badge on their 'Your Team' dashboard for that employee, indicating that they have an objective awaiting approval. 

What happens if the other manager approves an objective that wasn't sent to them?

As reflective of a 'real life' scenario, if an employee has more than one manager, any of those managers could approve that employee's Objective, even in the event that it wasn't directly sent to them. Whilst this would be a rare occurrence, as there will typically be a reason for sending an Objective to one Approver over another; communication between Approvers at this point is recommended.


With multiple managers, an employee can have a Check-in with any of their managers. Any of the managers can add a Check-in for that employee via their Team screen. If an employee themselves adds a Check-in, they will be asked to select which manager their Check-in meeting is with:

The Check-In summary screen always shows which manager the Check-in was with: 

Talent Snapshots

Where an employee has multiple managers, the Talent Snapshot questions can be answered by any of their managers. All of the employee's managers will see the employee's Talent Snapshot record on their Talent Snapshot page. 

It is important to note that each employee only has one Talent Snapshot record per round, so where an employee has multiple managers, they will all see (and will be able to edit) the same Talent Snapshot record. So any changes made by one manager will update the data for that employee on the other managers Talent Snapshot page. For this reason, where an employee has multiple managers, it is important that their managers communicate and agree who will complete their Talent Snapshot record to prevent responses being accidentally overwritten. 


Where an employee has multiple managers, the names and emails of all of their managers will appear in the system reports. Below is an example of a 'Check-ins by person' report, with the additional manager column highlighted, in this instance showing that Stephanie has both Sean (Manager 1) and Amita (Manager 2). 

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