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Supplemental Discussion Prompts
by Customer Success
Clear Review supports the option of having multiple conversation types in addition to the standard, recurring check-in conversation. Here are a few ideas in terms of additional that you might offer:
Goal Setting Conversation
Goal setting is often done as part of ongoing check-in conversations, but there may be times when a dedicated goal-setting conversation is required. Here is a recommended goal setting conversation template that you can add to Clear Review as an additional conversation type.
One line description: A conversation to set goals for the forthcoming period.
Prompts for Discussion:
Agree priority performance goals. Agree a few high quality goals which clarify your key priorities for the forthcoming period. Ask yourself what is critical for you to deliver this period - it's much better to have a few critical goals than a huge wish list.
Agree personal development goals. It's also important to set personal development goals which will inspire and enable you to achieve personal success at work. These might relate to personal strengths or areas of interest that you can leverage for yours and the team's benefit. Or they could be areas of personal development which you need to address to improve your personal performance
Keep it simple. Goals should be:
- Aligned is there alignment between the overall business goals and the individual's performance goals and personal development goals (top down)? Do the individual's objectives support the team and organisation's goals (bottom up)? Are there team or cross-functional goals that the individual contributes to which need to be aligned (sideways)?
- Accountable consider who else should know about your goals either because you share responsibility for delivery or because they can help you succeed. Share your goals and make them transparent to collaborators, inside and outside your team
- Assessable it's important to work out what success would look like, and whether the deliverable is measured in terms of quantity or quality
- Agile goals need to be stay relevant so they may need to be flexible. Revisit goals at frequent Check-In so check they are still meaningful
- Aspirational goals should be stretching, not safe. Goals should encourage everyone to strive for a level of success beyond what is easily achievable
Next steps. Schedule a date for your next Check-In to discuss progress
Year in Reflection
One Line Description: A reflection on achievements, learnings and performance over the last year
Prompts for Discussion:
- Successes & Impact. What were your greatest successes over the last year? Where and how did you have the most impact on team / business performance?
- Strengths. How did you use your key strengths to drive your performance? How might you be able to leverage your strengths more in future?
- Challenges & Learnings. Where things didn't go to plan, what could be done better next time? What have you learned?
- Personal Development. How did you personally develop over the past year? What impact did this have on team / business performance? What one key area do you want to focus on developing over the next period?
- Overall performance. Overall, was the individual's performance:
On Track; Off Track; or Exceptional? See guidance here [add hyperlink to guidance doc].
Next Steps.
- Employee - add two Personal Development Priorities: one area where you'd like to improve and one strength you would like to leverage further.
- Manager - add the overall performance rating, as discussed with the individual, to the Talent Snapshots page.
- Both - book a Check-in for the next few weeks to agree forthcoming Priorities. You should have these Check-ins at least quarterly, but you may wish to have them more frequently.
Check-in for Frontline Workers
Frontline workers (e.g. mobile workers or operatives who may not have access to a PC / email) still benefit from periodic check-in conversations, but these often need to be shorter and are typically less focused on objectives and personal development.
Here is a short 10 minute conversation template that you can add to Clear Review as an additional conversation type made available to these groups of workers.
One line description: A short 10 minute check-in conversation for managers to hold periodically with employees
Prompts for Discussion:
Overview. How are you feeling about your work generally?
- Focus Areas. Are you clear about your work priorities and key areas of focus? Are you clear about how best you can contribute to the success of the team / wider organisation? Do you need any help from me to give you clarity?
- Support. Do you have the help and support you need to do a good job (for instance do you have adequate equipment, training etc.)?
- Team. Do you feel you have positive relationships with the rest of the team?
- Actions. Are there any specific actions that you or I need to take to enable you to do your best work for the team / organisation? When should we next meet?