Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Updated by Customer Success
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How do I update the status of my objective within Clear Review?
You can move along the objective status at any point once the objective is in approved state (Not started to In progress, etc).
How do I update the wording or change the date(s) to my approved objective?
To update the content of an existing objective, simply click into the existing objective to see the full detail. Then use the pencil icon on the top right of your page and make the necessary edits. If your company requires that your manager approves your objectives, it will then be necessary to send the updated objective for approval.
How can I find my draft objective?
If you have edited an existing objective, you will have the option to 'save' the updated version or send for approval (if required). If you 'save' it, you will find any drafts at the top of your objectives page behind a blue banner. Click into the banner to review further and / or send for approval.
How can I delete an objective?
It is only possible to 'delete' an objective if it is in a draft state. Once the objective has been approved / published, it can only be edited, withdrawn or moved to history. See above for how to amend. To 'withdraw' (if no longer relevant) or 'move to history' (once you have completed an objective and discussed with your manager) select the 3 dots '...' to use either option.
Can I add a file as an attachment?
If you have Microsoft One Drive, and your company / administrator has enabled the option, you will see a paperclip icon via the 'objective' and / or 'check-in' comments area. From here, you can populate a One Drive link, though both you and your manager will need to have permission via your One Drive settings to be able to view the document.
Who can see my feedback?
Your line manager will have access to view the feedback that you have received. They may optionally see the feedback you have given, though they will not see who you have give it too (this depends on how your company has it configured). It is possible that leaders in your reporting line may be able to access, along with your internal Clear Review Administrator.
What happens if I ignore a feedback request?
If you opt to 'ignore' a feedback request, you will see a notice that allows you to optionally first email the requestor to let them know why you are not in a position to provide that feedback. After that, the feedback request will be removed from your page. System Administrators are able to report on this information as well.
What happens if I need to retract feedback I've sent?
Go to your 'Feedback' area. On the 'Feedback Given' listing, you will see the option to 'retract' the feedback. Doing so will permanently remove the feedback you have provided. If you need to make an edit, it is best to copy the text before retracting so that you can update it in a new feedback comment.
How do I update a recurring meeting within Clear Review?
If your company is using the Microsoft Outlook integration, the easiest way is to update the meeting series detail via Outlook (see below for how to connect your calendar to keep this information in sync). The other option is to go to the 'Check-in or Conversations' page. Find the next upcoming meeting in the series that you would like to update. Select the '...' to the right of the meeting detail > Delete. You will want to delete all future recurrences and then book a new series with the necessary updates.
Can I schedule a meeting with my mentor using Clear Review?
At the moment, you can only schedule a meeting with whom you have a direct reporting relationship i.e. direct report / line manager (in Clear Review).
How do I connect my Outlook calendar?
If your company has enabled it, you can connect your Outlook calendar so that it stays in sync with your Check-in / Conversations in Clear Review. To make the connection, go to the top left hand navigation and select the down arrow next to your name. Click the 'Account Settings' option, then select 'Connect my calendar'. This will prompt you to log on via your Microsoft account details. You will also be able to add a Teams meeting link to future conversations you might be scheduling.
Can I include a Teams meeting link?
If your company has enabled the integration with Microsoft 365, you will be able to connect your Microsoft account (see details above). Once connected, you will be able to see availability of your manager or direct report (provided they have also connected their calendar) as well as add a Teams meeting link to the meeting details.